Sunday, April 18, 2010
Hi! My name is....
Hi! My name is Eric Clover. I live in Idaho, no not Iowa, Idaho. And yes we do have potatoes but that is not the only thing that we are known for. We also have, um, we have, um....Oh yeah we have an amazing college football team that plays on blue turf. And we have, oh I can't think of anything right now but I am sure that something will come to my mind sooner or later. I love to write, it is one of my great joys in life. I also love my wife and two stepchildren that God has seen to bless me with even though I do not deserve it. But then again do any of us deserve anything? That is the beauty of grace that God offers us. Grace is defined as undeserved favor, something that you are blessed with even though you have done nothing to earn it. Life is like that isn't it? We spend most of it wandering around, trying to find our place in this world oblivious to the plan that God has on our life. It has taken me almost all of my twenty eight years to finally realize what He has planned for me, yet I am still a work in progress just like all of us. In the bible in the book of Romans it says "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." What I have learned over the years is the all really does mean all. No one escapes from the definition of the word it includes everyone on this planet. It doesn't matter if you go to church every Sunday or if you feed homeless people at the shelter on the weekends. We have all sinned and we are nothing without the grace that God offers us through his Son Jesus Christ. You might say, "Great, all this blog is going to be is this guy shoving religion down my throat I don't need that." Take it easy, it won't always be so "God heavy" if you will. I just want to start this blog off right and let you know where I am coming from and what my beliefs are. And its not religion. If there is one thing I hate more than anything it is a legalistic, religious and shallow person. It goes beyond religion or words written in a book even though the words that are written in the bible are alive and stamped by the very breath of God. No its more about a relationship with the one that created you. The one that with a word formed the very dust of the earth into a living breathing human being. No ooze, no monkey, dust. It's about knowing someone that loves you so much, even when you spit in his face by the life that you live he still offers love and grace to you. And their is only one way my friends. It is by the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on a cross over two thousand years ago that you can be saved. And the their is only one way. In John 14:6 Jesus says, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." There it is folks plain and simple in black and white. There is no other way to find salvation except through the Lord Jesus Christ. Not Muhammad, Buddha, or Krishna for they are still dead laying in the same grave they were buried in. But Jesus Christ rose from the dead after being crucified showing that death no longer had a hold on him and that we could have the same power if we only believe in him and give him our lives fully. I just wanted to start this thing off right, coming all the way out with my beliefs and give you an opportunity to take life to a whole new level. If you don't know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. All you need to do is ask. Pray and say "Jesus, I am a sinner. Please forgive me, I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and that you rose again. Please come into my life and show me how to live" If you say this prayer, you are now part of the kingdom. Feel free to email me: and tell me your testimony. I would love to hear about it. Well until next time friends this is Eric Clover saying so long and God bless.
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"It's about knowing someone that loves you so much, even when you spit in his face by the life that you live he still offers love and grace to you"