Monday, April 19, 2010

Start your day off right = Positive attitude

Do you ever have one of those days where nothing seems to go right? We have all been there at one time or another. Whether it be starting off your morning by arguing with your spouse, or the genius that cuts you off on the freeway on the way to work. The devil dresses up annoyance's and irritations in many forms as ways to try to ruin your day most of the time before you even walk out the door. So how do we stop ourselves from stepping or sometimes running directly in the trap that the enemy has set for us? Well first of all its all about our attitude and how we handle the things that come our way. Its very easy to be a jerk when your wife asks you to do something for her in the morning but if you handle any and all comments or requests that come your way with a positive attitude then you will start realizing the change more and more everyday. I am not saying that you will not have your disagreements and arguments, because not all disagreements and arguments are bad, especially for newlyweds. Some disagreements and arguments can help build your marriage. For example when I leave clothes on the floor around the laundry basket and not inside of it and my wife voices her concerns telling me that when I am living out my Kobe Bryant fantasy with my boxers or a pair of socks that I need to make sure they still end up in the basket. Now of course there is going to be some slight arguing and "discussing" if you will but in the end since I have such a good attitude about it I will be one step closer to making sure my dirty clothes will end up where they are suppose to be. My wife will appreciate my efforts and I will have made her happy so therefore I am happy. It's all about the attitude. And the number one way to control your attitude is to start your morning off right. I used to not be a morning person at all. Every chance I got I would sleep in until long hours of the afternoon lazily making my way out of bed sometimes not until way after noon. But I found my day was not as fruitful and that my attitude sucked big time and eventually I learned that I could not do it anymore. Lately, especially over the last few days I have found myself getting up earlier and earlier, first brewing a pot of coffee and sitting at the kitchen table with my bible open. It's amazing how quiet it is early in the morning especially in between the hours of 3-5 A.M. Our pastor says that this is the best time to hear the Lords voice because the rest of the world is quiet. The bars are closed, the kids are asleep and almost everyone has not even got up to get ready for work. Sunday morning for me was amazing I got up at about 4:15 and dove into Romans 6 and fed myself for about 2 hours digesting the living words and even writing up a possible sermon for a later date. The rest of my day was amazing, now my wife was not the happiest because I kind of work her up early and she's pregnant so when she doesn't get her sleep well she isn't happy. So of course that day I went out of my way to make sure that she was as happy as she could be during the day. I did things like clean the kitchen, rubbed her shoulders and various other things to help her feel better and also because I was the reason that she felt the way she did. Men, we cannot be afraid to man up to things that are our fault. The easiest way to avoid confrontations and arguments is to IMMEDIATELY apologize for something when you do it. Now don't give me this, "Well if she wouldn't have said this then I wouldn't have said that." No, there is no excuse for things like that. She is your wife and God gave her to you as a partner in life so there is no reason for you to say hurtful and disrespectful things to her. Treat her with respect and you will get it back not only from her but from God as well. Ephesians 5:25-27 says "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless." Verse 28 goes even further saying "In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself." So what it comes down to is loving your wife with the same sacrificing, giving, caring and grace as Christ has for us. Whoa that is heavy, because Jesus loved us so much that he died for us on the cross and that is the same way we are suppose to love our wives with such passion and intensity that we are willing to give up everything for her. It comes down to sacrifice my friends. Sacrifice everything that might be bringing your attitude down and watch as your life and marriage blossoms. Well it wasn't my attention to focus on marriage so much but I don't have an outline for this thing I am just getting on and letting the Holy Spirit work through my hands on the keyboard. I hope this has helped you guys. Wives, its not just the husbands responsibility either remember Ephesians also says "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." Thats Ephesians 5:22-24. It is both the wives and husbands responsibility to maintain a positive attitude and to handle everything according to the word. If you do this your life will become amazingly more simple and any obstacles and arguments that come your way will easily be settled and you can focus on other things that are more important. Like zombies......

1 comment:

  1. I was all "awww, Eric, you are soo sweet and so RIGHT." ANd then the last line came "Like zombies...." and I almost spit laughing. I love you!
